
June – August 2015: Dear Customers. Due to a heating system malfunktion and flooding of our shop in the Hauptstr 57a – 49205 Hasbergen, Germany, we habe been forced to are moving locations. Moving is a huge task and will obviously have an impact on our operations, especialy with regards to delivery times and customer support. Custom Rifle, Production and Webshop activities as well as email and Telephone support are all very much affected. There will be at least a 1/4 year knock on effect with regards to Custom Rifles.  Sound Moderator manufacture and fitting as well as barrel threading are luckily not effected. We are working hard to ensure that the situation returns to normal mjust as soon as possible and request that customers kindly have some patience with us during this period.

The silver lining in the cloud is that our new building is excellently suited to our use and will enable us to expand and streamline processes for more efficiency.

We hope to be fully operational in our new premises during August 2015 and would like to thank your customers for bearing with us and bieng patient at this time.

July 23rd 2015: It has come to our attention that certain parties based in Croatia have joined several internet forums soley with the purpose of running a campaign to discredit our good name. The matter is a civilan legal issue and is now in the hands of our legal advisors. For our part it will suffice to state that not reading or understanding the terms and conditions of a contract on the customers part is not a reflection on the quality of the product or service on the vendors part. I would also add that we flatly refuse to deal with customers who fail to keep appointments of numerous occasions and who threaten my self and my staff with violence.


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